Friday, March 2, 2012

Writings on my Personal Meditative Reflections Regarding a Dream and Vision of 2/28/2012

Writings on my Personal Meditative Reflections Regarding a Dream and Vision of 2/28/2012

Psalm 3

Attribute: God the Father = Salvation = Victory in the Face of Defeat: applied personally to the individual saint.

Personal Note: since 3 seems to be a recurring number in this dream/vision I had this past Tuesday It seems good to me and a valid idea for the purpose within this writing to make verse 3 key:

“But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.”

In this verse there are three (3) points recorded in David’s faith statement. David declares and proclaims of God:

“…a shield for me”

“…my glory…”

“…the One who lifts up my head”

But I had to notice to whom David is making his faith statement ( my label or tag ). David statement appears to be made directly to God ( Ps 3:4)

What do most of us wish to accomplish by talking out loud to someone? Let me offer these thoughts:

Communicate what it is we actually think, sense, or feel

Understanding gained by that someone of our thought, sense, or feeling

Usually we are in personal relationship on some level with that someone and seek their support

These objectives would be the same if we were writing instead of speaking but our emotions come to bare when we speak out loud.

So I believe it is important to note that David is speaking out loud directly to God with intention of “going on record” with God by declaring and proclaiming his heart felt faith statement. In other words …David declares and proclaims his faith statement that goes ends with something like this: “God, my Lord and my King … I believe what you say about yourself and fully agree and now stand before you in the midst of my greatest enemy out manned, out gunned, and seemingly out witted … but You, O Lord, my God, are my salvation (Ps 3:7 &8) Arise now and save your servant! O Lord to whom salvation belongs you have smote my enemy and broken his jaw! Your blessing is upon your people!”

Now on what basis has David formed his thought, sense, feeling to declare and proclaim? Truly he built a foundation for his faith statement upon God’s declaration and proclamation about Himself ! Look at Isaiah 43:11-13.

“I, even I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no savior. I have declared and saved, I have proclaimed, and there was no foreign god among you: Therefore you are My witnesses, says the Lord, that I am God.! Indeed before the day was, I am He: and there is no one who can deliver out of My Hand; I work, and who will reverse it?

Isaiah 44:8 reads what God declares and proclaims of Himself: “Do not fear, nor be afraid; have I not told you from that time, and declared it? Your are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.”

It gets down to the consecrated goodness of this the Glory of God is the glory of His people and His people will have no other God besides I AM! (Isaiah 43:12)

David gaze was set upon The One who could save him because That One was Salvation … no graven image for David because there was no salvation in the graven images he could have made! (Isaiah 44:9&10)

The Holy Spirit has shown me this of where FCF is now meeting:

There were two Angels dispatched to this property years ago … they were given the assignment to cover and minister to all those saints generation after generation that were summoned by Holy Spirit to gather upon this site to worship, praise, serve, God. Unto each generation these two Angels have bee faithful to carry out their mission … to impart courage and strength to those saints. The names of the angels are Courage and Strength and that is because this is their charge over this Godly place and Godly people. The have not left their post … they are at post located approximately in the center of this property and represents where the original boundary marker was set at Father’s declaration over this place. From that marker they administer to the leaders and body that steward this open portal of Heaven.

To whom much is given much is required and Courage and Strength bring it!

Psalm 30

Attribute: God the Son = Glory = Praise for Dramatic Deliverance: Applied to the Body of Christ Corporately

Note: Again since the recurring number of three (3) seems revealed in this dream/vision I want to note verse 3 of this Psalm:

“O Lord, You have brought my soul up form the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.”

Again three points seem the emphasis here but of these the declaration and proclamation is of resulting action taken by God. Think Redemption of our dammed souls by the taking out of the hands of death our soul by the work of Jesus, The Christ:

…brought my soul up from the grave …

…kept me alive…

…that I should not go down to the pit…(Depths of Sheol the abode of the dead Ps 86:13)

I want to note again that this is from my personal thoughts … based on scriptures in these three Psalm, 3, 30, 33 as well as using other scriptural references to amplify or enhance my understanding of what I sense Holy Spirit is saying at this time from the passages. Any Reader including myself must weigh these words with scripture and by going to Holy Spirit to test these words I write to benefit.

It seems there is a shift in attitude form 3 … David was found to have no foreign god before him and he could be a witness of I AM. Here David begins to be that witness giving testimony of the astounding change in him wrought by I AM the Savior. Compare verse one of chapter 3 and then verse one of chapter 30 and note the change of focus! In three (3) David is well aware of his enemy and is overwhelmed. In thirty (30) David is clear and focused on the Glory of God’s presence that David now finds himself enveloped by and the results of that Glory over his circumstances.

Chapter 30 is David’s declaration and proclamation of the greatness of God who personally came with all His Glory and delivered! Praise and worship naturally come forth up out of David’s delivered soul and a sound is released that can only come from the redeemed: “you have turned for me my mourning in to dancing, you have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory (soul) may sing praise to you and not be silent. O lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.”

This is important to note that there is a recurring reason God delivers, heals, saves. So that we my be witness of His Glory and to be a witness that He is I Am.

Jesus said to the 120 disciples to go to Jerusalem, gather in the upper room, and to wait there until they received power … Holy Spirit. Once they received the power they would be witness to Jerusalem and to the world that I AM.

We are to have no other god before us only I AM. We are to have no other agenda to work form or for but I AM. We are not to be silent in the earth nor before the heavens of the Glory of I AM. For we have been healed, delivered, redeemed to be living testimony of I AM.

One last thought regarding Psalm 30. Verse 10 (number 10 speaks of completeness ) says “Hear, O Lord, and Have mercy on me, Lord, be my helper!” What will complete us is this just as the 120 had to wait on Holy Spirit to empower them we too need Holy Spirit to empower us to be witness of Jesus The Christ that was … and is … and is to come Jesus.

I think my favorite verse is in five ( number 5 speaks of grace ) “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

…I get overwhelmed by the darkness and I believe I am alone…

…I cry out in faith to the Lord and make my case…

…If I die I will no longer be a praise unto or a witness of Truth that is I AM…

…grace comes and covers and I am a mountain that can not be moved…

What else can I declare or proclaim but this:

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord My God, I will give thanks to You forever.”

Psalm 33

Attribute: God the Holy Spirit = Rest from works = Knowing God Considers All Man’s Works: Applies to a Nation or a Tribe or a People

Note: The dream/vision focus was on 3, 30, 33 as I have said earlier. Interesting thought occurred to me as I began to more closely look at Psalm 33; that thought to at the root number 3 but progress the reading by 3’s; what I mean is 3,6,9,12,15,18,21. It was interesting how that progressing read. Meanwhile, verse 3 has these three points:

…sing to Him a new song…

…play skillfully…

… with a shout for joy…

I and my wife were fortunate enough to have attended The Call as it gathered in Memphis, TN some years ago. While there I had an occasion to hear Ray Hughes teaching on worship and praise and one thing stood out to me and really locked into my spirit that when we give praise and worship out loud the noise we make becomes light which ascends into the heavens and goes right into the presence of Father and envelopes Him with greater light. I remember vividly thinking: Wow! The noise I make when I worship and praise becomes light and gives more glory to Father! Wow! I got really louder at that moment cranking it up for Him!

I still crank it up for Him. It has become my personal mission to put as much light (Glory) upon Father as I possibly can while I have breath to give Him!

When the revelation of that teaching coupled with a vision Holy Spirit had already given me of what praise and worship going on 24/7 before Father’s presence in Heaven looks like and sounds like … well … let me say the dots got connected and I have not been the same since.

So verse 3 sets the tone of our worship … focus on song, playing instruments, loud shouts!

Verse 6: One possible meaning prophetically for the number six is “human labor contrasted with God’s rest” that is our labor is not necessarily to put God to rest i.e. “Lord, I got this let me work you rest.” No it is “Lord, my working for you is in vain unless I learn to rest in You and let you work” This coupling of human and divine is pictured in creation. God created in what we know as six days and upon the seventh day He rested. We did not have a thing to do with creation … we were part of the to do list that God had for His work of creation. When we read verse six we see that:

“ By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.”

Verse 9: Again God at work:

“For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Reference Gen 1:3)

Note: human labor just did not play a part in this.

Verse 12: Shifting to a correct foundational thinking that is know as wisdom for a people or tribe or nation:

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people (tribe) whom He has chosen as His own inheritance.” (Reference Exodus 19:5)

Verse 15: About the sons of men it is determined that

“He fashions their hearts individually; He considers (understands) all their works.”

Oh, that the reverse could be true that is that we sons of men could come to understand His works and simply come to rest from ours …

Verse 18: Here is a comforting thought for the nation, people, tribe that trust in the Lord:

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy…”

Verse 21: Trust in relationship is like glue that bonds together two different pieces … like labor and rest.

We work or labor for Him and rest in Him that our works will be complete and not in vain. But where to labor, how to conduct our labor, that is from Him and for Him there in is the rest in Him for those who labor with and in Him.

“For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.”

Closing Thought and Prayer:

“Let Your Mercy, O Lord be upon us, Just as we hope in you.” Psalm 33:22