Friday, October 21, 2016


I Have A Question: Would Jesus Vote?

I have had a serious question rolling over in my thoughts now for several days. Actually this question arose the night of the Last Presidential debate almost immediately upon my walking out of my own living room about mid debate.

I really see no use in the debates. They give us, the voters, nothing to sink our teeth into. If the debates were lemon meringue pie there would be only meringue, no lemon pie. 

The commentators are the winners, in my opinion, because they go home satisfied. All be it via their own pompous egos so bloated on their own self worth gorging themselves upon the idea they are actually contributing something worthwhile by presenting questions regarding subjects they claim are the issues the public wishes to hear about and learn more about when in truth their questions are regarding nothing more than what they the commentator believes to be important and that has absolutely nothing to do with which one of the candidates will be a better President. It has everything to do with the commentator taking advantage of a public stage so their presence before the camera can go out to all the world spewing words from their so called intelligence only to be about hawking their own agenda which is nothing short of manipulating public opinion in favor of the commentator’s own candidate or more likely their personal favored political platform.

The media will argue their guild is above reproach when it comes to politics. This is what I think about that, for the most part, members of the media are a Haman building a gallows for a Mordecai in the street while at the same time blowing his own horn before the King’s court trying to gain control of the kingdom by persuading the King to do Haman’s biding. Meanwhile the whole time there is a backroom agenda to do away with any thought, deed, person, or people that stand in the path of a Haman’s lust for power. 

I am sick and tired and completely fed up with the pompous, arrogant, and self glorifying, self serving media that wish to manipulate the out come of our national elections, campaign after campaign.

Ok, now that my rant is over, here is my question: Would Jesus vote? Next question. Would Jesus vote for Donald or Hillary? Remember WWJD? I really would like to have an honest and qualified answer to my questions. 

Now before any reader of this begins to try to answer let me reiterate that I seek an honest answer from a qualified expert. I know of no one, sorry friends and family, alive that can honestly answer as a qualified expert my questions therefore I do not seek nor expect any reader to try. 

But honestly, my questions are real and born out of my own frustration in the process that has become smoke and mirrors keeping the real issues out of sight of the voting public which is nothing more than total disrespect for the American People! Politicians think the American public are wimps and exist only to serve the Politicians’ agendas which are more like schemes to get more money and power for themselves rather than to serve the American People.  Members of Media are no better in a open attempt to strong arm voters into seeing things the Media’s way!

Bottom line, I need and I want an answer to my questions. I read this morning of a move in Israel to elect a High Priest. Let him who has ears hear. I also read that recently coming to surface is a unique gem stone that no expert can explain just how it exist. Speculation is the gem stone could belong to the legendary Urim and Thummim used in Bible times to determine God's will (Ex. 28:30, 1 Sam 28:16). 

Now I do not wish to insult Holy Spirit who has been given as a helper and comforter, teacher, and guide. However, at this point, I have to confess I am a bit interested, and yes weak for that, in having access to the Urim and Thummim to light up and spell out the answer to my questions.  Problem is more than my not having access to that stone … the stones answered by lighting up and spelling out in ancient Hebrew the answer from God. Well, I do not have the ability to read Ancient Hebrew, nor modern day Hebrew … although FB will translate modern day Hebrew. Anyway, I am having to depend upon my only resource when I have questions like this. That resource I have already mentioned, Holy Spirit. 

Over the years I have never had a question that was not completely answered with complete honesty and from one completely qualified to answer. Sometimes it was what I hoped and wanted to hear too. More often than not, Holy Spirt led me to other questions, questions I had to answer myself, for I was the only one qualified to answer.  Honestly, I had to think for myself. I had to listen to my own opinion. I had to take my own advice. I had to trust me. Taking into consideration not so much what others opinion might be, nor what their thoughts or feelings were. Man’s heart is just too deceptive even to the point of deceiving his own self. Nope, the only one I could ever depend on has me chewing on some other insights that come out of having access to the panorama of life experience of those who lived before my time. Putting politics aside. Putting personal comfort aside. Putting on a cloak of humility and listening for the servant’s heart not the self serving heart. It is a tough call through all the smoke and noise but interesting enough when I quieted myself before the Ancient of Days, while looking at the circumstances that perplex and trouble me, within my view I see the answer lighting up … and I did not even have to know ancient Hebrew.

By the way, the important question and by that also its answer, is not so much WWJD, as wonderful a platform that is to stand on and launch out from, but in reality, it is this, what will I do in these circumstances, and what is my motivation in the doing. In Faith I will vote for the servant heart not the self serving heart.  I give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and I will give to Uncreated One what is His.

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